Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Tony Blain : The Disturbing Saga Continues...

The State of California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) announced Monday it has opened a formal investigation into D2 Candidate Tony Blain for serious ethical and financial campaign violations. 

What started as a routine complaint filed by another candidate, the likes of which are typically dismissed quickly, has escalated exponentially. There are multiple FPPC departments now involved, signaling serious trouble for Blain...

The allegations against him include:

  • Illegal diversion of funds. — Contributors to his aborted term limits campaign were duped into funding Blains’ thirst for office. Classic deception and campaign fraud.
  • Exceeding Poway’s strict donation limit, designed to protect local politics from outside influence.
  • Failure to report expenditures allowing for potential fraud by misusing donated funds.
No Poway candidate has ever faced such a significant investigation into their conduct. 

And while Blain has thus far managed to avoid his campaign being tainted by his history as a deadbeat dad, or his unstable and threatening behavior toward City officials — which has resulted in multiple reports filed with the Sheriff’s Department — he may have a harder time dodging the FPPC.

They have teeth. Subpoena power. Highly skilled investigators. Massive fines. Criminal charges. Disqualification from office.